lauantai 23. marraskuuta 2013

L.Joe ♥

Tänään on Teen Topin L.Joen synttärit! :)

Facts about L.Joe:

~ His real name is Lee Byung Hun
~ For his audition, he rapped to Chris Brown’s “Run It” and Epik High’s “Fly” at Lotte World
~ On Teen Top’s first ever radio appearance, DJ Narsha asks L.Joe to say a short greeting in English but he’s too nervous to go through with it
~ When he lived in America, L.Joe used his real name, Lee Byeonghyun. But the people around him nicknamed him Joe
~ According to L.Joe, Teen Top’s charm is that they kind of sparkle. He says that even though they’re still young, they have charisma on stage
~ L.Joe’s ideal girl is his senior in school, 4minute's Hyuna. He doesn't see her often at school but when they do, they greet each other
~ For Niel’s birthday last year, L.Joe stayed up at 3 AM to compose a birthday song for him
~ L.Joe lived with his father in Korea before he joined TEEN TOP. His mother lives in the US
~ If TEEN TOP were need to choose between a sexy noona or a cute noona, L.Joe want a sexy noona
~ When L.Joe was younger, he liked Fin.K.L.
~ If L.Joe could get close to any celebrity he’d want for it to be his role model, G-Dragon (BIG BANG)


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