lauantai 16. marraskuuta 2013

Changjo ♥

Tänään on Teen Topin maknaen eli Changjon synttärit! :)

Facts about Changjo:

~ His real name is Choi Jong Hyun
~ Changjo danced to Black Eyed Pea’s “Boom Boom Pow” for his audition
~ He attending Chuncheon Agricultural High School
~ His specialty is self defense
~ When Teen Top were guests on Brown Eyed Girl’s Narsha’s radio, Changjo said his ideal girl is Narsha
~ Changjo means 'to create'. Since he likes to dance so much, the name Changjo was made so that he could create a new world through dancing
~ Changjo admired Dong Bang Shin Ki a lot when he was younger
~ When Changjo was younger he did taekwondo and jeolkwondo. His dream was to become a bodyguard
~ If Changjo was stranded on a desert island and could only bring three objects, he would bring a supermarket, a clothing store and a shoe store
~ Changjo looks up to BIG BANG’s Taeyang a lot as a dancer
~ Changjo likes girls who are cute and act cutesy
~ The first time Changjo met Niel, he thought he looked like a Simpson (:DD)


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