tiistai 15. lokakuuta 2013

Zelo ♥

Tänään on B.A.Pn maknaen, Zelon synttärit !!!
Aaaaw Zelo on jo iso poika :33 Luin jonku allkpopin jutun ja siinä sanottiin et Zelo toivo et sen synttärilahja olis ettei se enää kasvais... Tosi juttu on vaan se et Zelo mies ja se kasvaa vielä muutaman vuoden tai voi kasvaa :D Mutta siis Zelon takia aloin tykkäämään B.A.Pstä tai oikeestaan etin B.A.Pn koska olin nähny Zelon kuvan jossain ja tiesin jo sen nimen ja sitte näin tän videon ja tunnistin Zelon ja menin kommentit läpi et lösin B.A.Pn ja Zelon nimen samasta kommentista. Joo-o... Ja melkein unohdin sanoo et Zelo on mun toinen bias B.A.Pstä :3

Facts about our giant maknae:
• Zelo was born in Mokpo, Jeonranam
• Zelo said that he wants to stop his puberty because he does not want to continue growing
• Since he lives with older guys, Zelo can't do anything of his age. he says that he has no childhood
• Zelo gave his friends online game items in exchange of including him in their dancing/singing competitions
• Zelo started skateboarding 5 years ago. he said it gives strength to his thighs
• Zelo had to give up his school life just be become a singer
• Zelo said DBSK and SuJu brought him up to be a singer
• Zelo practices 20 hours daily and he still insists it isn't enough
• Zelo volounteers to do the laundary because he's very sensitive when it comes to clothes... Stretching out or the was fading out
• When Zelo was younger and when his mom wouldn't give him what he wanted, he would often lay on the crosswalk. He got a lot of trouble for doing it

B.A.P - Warrior
B.A.P - Unbreakable
B.A.P - Secret Love 
B.A.P - Power
B.A.P - What The Hell
B.A.P - It's All Lies
B.A.P - No Mercy
B.A.P - Dancing In The Rain
B.A.P - Goodbye 
B.A.P - Voicemail
B.A.P - What My Heart Tells Me To Do
B.A.P - Crash
B.A.P - Stop It
B.A.P - Happy Birthday
B.A.P - Rain Sound
B.A.P - One Shot
B.A.P - Punch
B.A.P - Coma
B.A.P - 0 (Zero)
B.A.P - Badman
B.A.P - Excuse Me
B.A.P - Coffee Shop
B.A.P - Bow Wow
B.A.P - Warrior (Japanese Version) (<-- Jouduin laittaan vaan audion, koska se video on estetty suomessa... tai ainaki mulla -.-)
B.A.P - One Shot ( Japanese Version)

Kuvat: weheartit.com
Faktat: x x


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