tiistai 27. elokuuta 2013

Sungyeol ♥

Tänään on Infiniten Sungyeolin synttärit!!

Facts about Sungyeol:
• Sungyeol was in the Acting part of SM Academy once before
• Sungyeol begged the hairstylist to dye his hair in green for the BTD era
• When asked which part of his body he thought was the sexiest, Sungyeol answered 'armpit'
• Sungyeol wants to have a date at the amusement part, while holding hands
• Sungyeol wore a bathrobe to the airport. He said that it was comfortable (Kuvat: X X)
• Sungyeol doesn't understand girls who come home after 12am
• Sungyeol doesn't really like curry
• When Sungyeol buys coffee from café, he likes his coffee really thick in texture and doesn't add any cream or sugar
• Sungyeol wears same t-shirt for 3 days
• Sungyeol is so honest that he can even be mean and say that "Now that I've see you closer, you are not pretty."
• Sungyeol thinks his most charming points are him cheeks, fleshy stomach, and his height
• Sungyeol has never walked his girlfriend anywhere before
• Sungyeol's blood type is B (sama ku mulla, yaaay :D)

Rakastan Sungyeolin lävistyksiä sen kovassa ♥ 
Nyt mun unelma on kans hankkii tollanen korva :D

Infinite - Man In Love
Infinite - The Chaser
Infinite - Be Mine
Infinite - Paradise

Kuvat: weheartit.com
Faktat: x


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