Facts about U-Kiss' selca king:
• Kiseop is frightened of a lot of things. Heights, snakes, spiders, scary movies. He always screams during scary movies
• Kiseop likes to be adorable around his members to lighten up the mood during interviews or practices
• Kiseop said his good point is loyal to his love while his weakest point is he does not know how to reject people
Nää on samat biisit ku Kevin postauksessa, mut mut mut... en tiiä :DD
U-Kiss - Neverland
U-Kiss - 0330
U-Kiss - Tick Tock (Out Of Time) (Korean Version)
U-Kiss - Shut Up!!
U-Kiss - Neverland (Water Stage) Live
U-Kiss - Before Yesterday + Shut Up !! Live
Sori kuunneltavaa on paljon, mut hyvää sellasta :D
Kuvat: weheartit.com
Faktat: asianfanfics.com
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vasemmalta oikeelle: Kevin, Kiseop & Kibum |
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