lauantai 20. huhtikuuta 2013

Luhan ♥

Tänään on EXO-M'n söpön babyfacen eli Luhanin synttärit !!
Waaaah tää babyface on jotenki onnistunu saamaan paikkansa mun bias listalla. En tiiä miks, mut rakastan Luhanin puheääntä ♥ Siin on vaan jotain, mistä tykkään, mut nyt ite tähän postaukseen

Facts about Lulu:
• Chen and Luhan likes to watch football in the midnight. They never missed any match. Chen's favourite team is Real Madrid while Luhan's is Barcelona
• He is voted as the laziest member as he is the last to wake up
• Luhan thinks he is the manliest out of Exo-M 
• Luhan has naturally curly hair, when it is long, it gets really curly and makes his head look big.
 Luhan’s eyelashes are really thick and long
 Luhan only can cook Ramen with an eggs
• Luhan is smoke and alcohol intolerant
• Luhan catches cold easily, when he does, the amount of tissue he uses in the dorm is counted in dozens 
• Scare: Height [tall place, amusement park rides] because he thinks it is dangerous
 During Junior and High school, Luhan never received love letters
• If Luhan could pick a cartoon character to describe himself, he would pick Son Goku from Dragon Ball

EXO-M - Angel
EXO-M - Two Moons (feat. Key)
EXO-M - Two Moons (Roll Like A Buffalo)
EXO-M - Machine
EXO-M -  History
EXO-M - What Is Love

Faktat: X X

Sitte viel tää birthday game
Waaah rakastan näitä yli kaiken :DD

Mulle tuli: Luhan went out with me because we love each other.
Nyt oon ilonen :))

Me saatiin uus lukija, mut en oo varma onko se suomesta... Epäilen et se on suomalainen, mut silti voin jotain selittää mun huonolla englannilla :D
We got a new follower and I'm not sure is she from Finland or does she understand Finnish language.
Please comment to this post if we need to start write in English :) Thanks


6 kommenttia:

  1. Luhan on niin söpö! >w<♥ Mulle tuli; Chen destroyed my house with his superpowers, because he couldn't resist me. :D

  2. Vastaukset
    1. ai katos mä jo säikähdin, koska meille tuli sama lause XD mut luhan oliki tuolla useempaan kertaan^^

  3. Mulla ja Lu'ulla on sama lempijoukkue :D
